
This is a more or less complete list of my recent contributions to different conferences, journals, workshops, et cetera.

Addressing Randomness in Evaluation Protocols for Out-of-Distribution Detection, 13 Jul. 2021 (papers)
Our Paper Addressing Randomness in Evaluation Protocols for Out-of-Distribution Detection has been accepted at the ICJAI 2021 Workshop for Artificial Intelligence for Anomalies and Novelties. In summary, we investigated the following phenomenon: when you train neural networks several times, and then measure their performance on some task, there is a certain variance in the performance measurements, since the results of experiments may vary based on several factors (that are effectively …
Categories: Anomaly Detection Reproducibility
252 Words Tagged with: AI4AN Anomaly Detection Reproducibility
Thumbnail for Addressing Randomness in Evaluation Protocols for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Data-Mining als Werkzeug empirischer Sozialforschung, 13 Jul. 2020 (papers)
Inspired by David Kriesel’s talk “Spiegel-Mining”, a friend of mine and a professor from the Hochschule Magdeburg scraped a German website that regularly publishes reviews of social work literature and mined the resulting 18.000 articles, hoping for interesting insights. In an attempt to visualize the discourse, we created several topic maps, like the one below, which you can find on the accompanying (German) website. The colors represent the gender of the authors of the …
Categories: Data Mining
146 Words Tagged with: Sozial Extra Data Mining
Thumbnail for Data-Mining als Werkzeug empirischer Sozialforschung